General Dentistry

Rooted Dental is here to take care of all your family's oral hygiene needs. Please take a look at what types of dental treatments are available under general dentistry and if you have any questions, please contact us here

Routine check-ups

We believe in catching issues before they worsen. For that reason, we put a lot of faith in preventative dentistry. A regular checkup with our team at Rooted Dental will help limit the chances of decay or disease.

NHS check up - No charge


One of the most common types of dental treatment carried out by any general dentist is a filling. These are used to treat cavities when they form. The procedure involves your dentist removing the decayed portion of your tooth and then filling the gap to prevent further decay.

NHS small amalgam filling - £8.44
NHS large amalgam filling - £16.36
(Private) white filling - from  £70

Root canals

When the nerve of the tooth is compromised due to a crack or cavity bringing infection into your tooth, it may be necessary to have a root canal.

NHS root canal treatment (front tooth) - £45.52
(Private) root canal treatment (excluding filling) - from £100


If you have missing teeth, they can leave gaps in your smile. Not only that, but they can also put you at a greater risk of developing decay. Having crowns placed will help restore function to your bite and improve your confidence.

NHS Single crown (front tooth) - £119.84
(Private)Posterior Emax crown or bridge (per unit) - £375
(Private)Anterior Standard Emax crown (per unit) - £375
(Private)Anterior Advanced Aesthetic Crown (per unit) - £450

Tooth extraction

If your tooth is damaged or decayed and can’t be repaired with a filling or crown first, your dentist may decide to remove (extract) the tooth as a last resort.

NHS Simple extraction (one tooth) - £14.12
(Private) Surgical Extraction - £100
(Private) Wisdom tooth Extraction - £150

Dental Hygiene

With more adult teeth being lost through gum disease rather than tooth decay, regular dental hygiene treatment is essential to keeping your gums and teeth healthy.

Scale and polish - £12.36


A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available at Rooted Dental: complete and partial dentures.

NHS complete upper and lower dentures - £205.12

Begin your smile journey at Rooted Dental.

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